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The Extras Podcast with Tim Millard  October 25, 2022

20 years after their initial release, former Warner Bros Entertainment Senior Vice President of Creative Content Paul Hemstreet takes us through the initial development and production of the home entertainment extras for the first two Harry Potter films.

"Harry Potter" Revisited
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The Extras Podcast with Tim Millard December 19, 2021

Former Warner Bros Entertainment Senior Vice President of Creative Content Paul Hemstreet joins the podcast to talk about the 1999 film, The Matrix, and its historic DVD release and the impact that release had on the Home Entertainment market and the development of DVD extras.  

Follow the White Rabbit: The Matrix Special Features
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Creative Conversations with Hollis Citron  March 27, 2021

Hollis talks with Award Winning Content Producer Paul Hemstreet about creative exploration and pivoting careers after more than 25 year of experience in the Entertainment Industry pioneering special features for some of the all-time best films and TV shows.

Creative Conversations Talks with Paul Hemstreet About Pivoting Careers
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